Finance That Focuses On Your Current Situation, While Making Sure It Fits Well With Your Long-Term Vision

Welcome to Friendly Finance Brokers For Business - Your Trusted Partner in Commercial Financing Solutions!

Unlock the Door to Your Business Success with Specialist Commercial Brokering

Are you ready to elevate your business to new heights? At Friendly Finance Brokers, we specialise in providing tailored commercial financing solutions that empower Business Owners and businesses to ADAPT & THRIVE.

As your dedicated commercial broker, we navigate the financial landscape to secure the capital you need, offering a strategic path to growth and success.


As a Business Owner you may find yourself needing a business loan for various reasons - often tied to challenges or opportunities that require additional financial support.


A commercial mortgage provides financing for the purchase or refinancing of commercial real estate properties intended for business use.


Acquire or upgrade assets and equipment necessary for your operations. These loans are simply business loans, or lease products, secured by the assets being financed.

Melanie Brennan, Mortgage Broker

Hi, I'm Melanie Brennan

I help business owners with growing businesses, to adapt their business finances so it aligns with both their short-term business needs and long-term business goals.

So they can grow their business sustainably - no matter what curve balls come their way!

My Philosophy

I believe life is a lot like nature.

When we continuously adapt, and work with our changing environment, we get sustainable growth. 

No matter what life throws at us.

From these natural principles - and from my own personal experience going through challenges as a business owner and property investor - I’ve developed a unique and reliable process that I take all my clients through at each point of reassessing our finance.   

tree that fights for life on a rock
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My Story

So, how did I develop my “short term needs with long term goals” focus?

And how did the The “Seek, Uncover, Adapt” process (below) come about?

My Unique Process

I call it the 'Seek, Uncover and Adapt Process' - and it predictably ensures the best finance scenarios are revealed for both your present and future business:

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1. Seek Help

To us this means increasing our capacity for expansion - through the use of skilled and connected advisors.

Not - trying to do it all ourselves, and getting confused and overwhelmed.

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2. Uncover All Options

To us this is about making sure we see everything clearly - and getting creative with all options available to us.

Not - keeping our head in the sand, or thinking the options in the market stay the same.

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3. Adapt to the Environment

To us this is all about making a clear, well thought out decision - and leveraging our current scenario for benefit.

Not continuing along pathways that aren’t serving us, or ignoring life’s changes.

Talk to a Specialist SME Finance Broker